Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen the healthiest and happiest places to live in Scotland
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Camglen Health & Social Care Forum
Improving local services and promoting health and social wellbeing makes me #healthynhappy
Helping local people in Cambuslang & Rutherglen with health and social care needs.
Camglen HSCF members are all local residents who inform local people about the range and location of available health & social care services. It also gives local people a voice in the planning, development and decision making to improve such services.
There is also a Facebook page where relevant information is posted on a regular basis. You can find this by clicking here.
Camglen Health & Social Care Forum is aimed at anyone over the age of 16 who lives in Cambuslang or Rutherglen.
Meetings take place online every four to six weeks.
To find out more please call Jan on 07846751145 or jan@healthynhappy.org.uk
Meetings are currently online via zoom.